Monday, June 4, 2012


Not long from now, we will be boarding a plane to our children's country. This week has been a lot of running around picking up things we need for our travels. I don't think we stopped much today at all. We woke up and started running around at warp speed. If this is how much running around is done in country, I know I will be sleeping good on those nights!

I think it is finally starting to hit our daughter that we will be leaving soon. It is going to be so hard to leave the kids. This will be the longest I have ever been away from them. Hopefully, Skype will keep us up to speed on how everyone is doing and keep us going until we can be together again.

 Right now, we are just looking to God, asking for his guidance and love. Trusting that it will come together exactly as it is meant to.  Please keep us in your prayers while we are in country.

We will continue to blog as often as internet and jet lag allow.
We are looking forward to sharing our children with you in pictures and videos.

God Bless!!

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